速報APP / 商業 / Speak Hebrew Free

Speak Hebrew Free





版本需求:Android 1.6 以上版本



聯絡地址:S6 35 68161 MA

Speak Hebrew Free(圖1)-速報App

Essential Hebrew Phrases for your next trip to Israel!

Speak Hebrew Free: Hear & Learn the Most Important Spoken Hebrew Phrases!

The easiest way ever! Most Apps or classes try to teach you 1000s of words you will never need. This App teaches you all the phrases you will very likely need!

Search for "holfeld" on the Android Market to find more of these efficient language Apps (Like Speak Chinese, Korean, Italian, Spanish and many more)

If you want to save time and money and just learn what you'll actually need while visiting Israel or while you speak to Hebrew Friends, this App is ideal for you!

Hear & Learn the basics, how to say Hello,Thanks and Goodbye. Everyone in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem will be your friend if you: Speak Hebrew!

Speak Hebrew Free(圖2)-速報App


+ Clear audio recordings of native Hebrew speaker

+ Very fast and easy to use!

+ Works offline

+ Organized categories (Basics, Numbers,...):

+ Compressed files to ensure fast download anywhere (only 6 MB!!)

Speak Hebrew has all the phrases recorded for you.

Accessible with just one tap on your phone. Anytime! Anywhere!